Read. Connect. Flow!
Experience the MAGIC of a FLOWMentoring CircleWould you like to have more time and space for what truly matters … without the distraction of too much of what you don’t need?
I invite you on an 8-week journey to the essence of your life…
More than a book study or simplicity mastermind, this course is an experience of spaciousness that will overflow into all the areas of your life. With focusing guidance, intentional practice, and a simple support system, you will touch into the pure essence of brilliant YOU so you can shine even brighter.
There are no prescribed formulas for creating a more spacious life, full of what is most important. You will be guided to find your own brand of simple through experimenting, and by having deep authentic conversation about what truly matters in YOUR life.
We will use the Simply Enough book as a focusing template within a sacred container that will activate your intentions and help deepen your experience with the concepts & practices in this book.
But don’t just take my word for it. Here are reviews from a few of the participants of past FLOW Circles.
This entire experience was rich and deep, weaving reading, reflection, journaling and authentic circle sharing into such powerful insight. My heart is overFLOWing with gratitude for the gift of seeing what is possible when we choose to let go into the graceful flow of what matters most. -Ann Marie/Weaverville, NC
The resulting spaciousness feels so good, ripe with possibility. Reading the book as part of a group took me deeper, and helped me look at all the spaces in my life with a wider lens. In addition to releasing a few layers of my physical clutter, I also discovered where I am holding on in my mental-emotional space. The experience left me feeling more than enough, and happy to be me! -Kathy/Shasta, CA
I learned how to let go of other people’s expectations of me and create more space for what I want to give my energy to. During the course, I realized that releasing physical clutter is not as freeing as releasing the inner clutter of those expectations, limiting beliefs, and emotional baggage and that the inner & physical clutter were disrupting my flow. I understand better now what it means to be in flow and ways I can open space for flow to be part of my daily life. -Lisa/WA
Working through the Simply Enough book with other committed participants amplified a transformation in all the spaces of my life: physical, emotional, and spiritual.
I highly commend this experience as a way to focus on this timely & important topic. And if—like it was for me—your first thought is “I don’t have time for this,” that is a clear sign that you need it now more than ever. -Elizabeth/VA
This has been rich and incredibly expansive for me. I felt the light of “flow” turned on and I can now have way more fun floating down the river of my life. My sense of “I am enough & have enough” opened new avenues of abundance, both inner & outer, and I’m finding a new level of joy in my life. -Caroline/Northern CA…flowing soon to Hawaii
Sora skillfully held this circle of women, lightly steering us through the pages of her splendid Simply Enough book, and into a much-needed spaciousness. During the “2020 lockdown” experience, I’ve been focusing on building my legacy, and this course kept me present to the meaning and essence of what I’m weaving. I hold dear the witnessing of each other, the guiding lessons, playfulness, and understanding de-cluttering on an emotional & energetic level. -Natasha/South Africa
This has been an amazing experience! As a highly active mother & grandmother, I get super busy and get caught up in a lot of other people’s needs. This course gave me a much better idea of what my own inner FLOW feels like and how to create a more flowing life, while still getting things done. It also helped me realize how the space around me (& the things in it) affect my thoughts and my sense of peace. I’m ready to go through the book again! –Karen/ID
It’s my joy to guide & support you over the next 8 weeks to create more spaciousness, and to get even more clear about what truly matters in your life, so that you can more easily make the choices to let go of what does not.
Living in FLOW is about opening space in all areas so that our souls can shine as our human moves with more ease, love, joy, and grace through whatever life brings. -Shining Sor’a
What you’ll Receive
Weekly Mentoring Circle on Zoom for practice in:
- opening inner spaciousness;
- clearing mental & emotional clutter;
- clarifying intentions & understanding blocks;
- igniting awareness & activating your SoulFLOW.
Other Mentoring Support:
- 1 hour personal space coaching session with Sora;
- alignment and support via private group;
- spacious journal to accompany the book;
- light accountability for setting your spacious intentions & getting clear on what matters…to you!
*If you don’t already have the book, you can purchase either a print or pdf version before the course begins.

Ready to Master Your Flow?
Your investment of $333 for this 8 week program includes all of the above, along with the priceless gift of meeting your new flowmates.
Because this experience is inter-active, and we’re creating a collaborative learning FIELD together, it’s important that you commit to show up for all (or most) of the weekly mentoring circles.
Connect Here if you’re interested in being added to the waiting list for the next FLOWCircle.
8 weeks of Spaciousness…
Week 1
INTRODUCTION: What’s my Organizing Style, How are my Spaces & Who are my Flowmates for this journey?
Week 4
HOLDING ON: Where am I holding on most tightly, and how is this serving me?
Week 7
FLOW: Where does my life feel most spacious & free…and how can I create even more flow?
Week 2
What am I GATHERING…and which of my belongings are most connected with who I am & where I’m going?
Week 5
LETTING GO: How might more spaciousness create even more freedom in my life?
Week 8
SIMPLE SYSTEMS: How can I bring more spaciousness & order to my life? What simplicity practices will I keep?
Week 3
SORTING: Where is my life most happy & flowing, and which of my belongings bring the most joy?
Week 6
ABUNDANCE: What is the legacy I want to leave with my life…and what do I truly need to LIVE my legacy?
What’s Next?
COMMUNITY: Join The Shine Salon’s FLOWLiving Impact Circle to continue your journey to a more spacious life!

Dear Flowmates! It’s my honor to guide you on your journey to a more joyful, spacious life.
My passion & delight is holding S P A C E for spiritual create-preneurs to discover their essential shine.
As we clear our clutter & connect with the essential in our own lives, we can beam more clarity of love, peace, compassion & joyful purpose into the world around us.
When we join together, with intention, the impact magnifies. It’s that simple!
I look forward to connecting with you!
-Shining Sor’a
P.S. I keep these groups small to create a very intimate experience, so please CONTACT ME to discuss timing and availability.