Simply Give

Shine as if the world needs you. (It does!)

It’s my passion to make giving a part of everything I do. Here are a few of my favorite give forward projects…

It’s time…to shine…together!

It will take many villages to address the challenges our world is facing, so why not gather a village of passionate heart-centered humanitarians?!

We create a better world by caring, by believing, and by taking small purposeful steps toward improving what is right in front of us.

When we gather with devotion toward a common cause, anything is possible, and we have much greater IMPACT than alone. So…

Let’s amplify our #impact by activating a ripple effect of grassroots giving while connecting hearts and sharing ideas & solutions!

Simple Giving, Magnified

Start your own #impact project, or donate to one of the collaborative giving projects below.

If you have a project you would like to have included here, please SEND ME A REQUEST!

Give Clean Water

The Waterbearers are delivering clean water solutions around the world!

663 million people live without clean water, and changing that is about more than health & humanity. Every $1 invested in clean water can yield $4–$12 in economic returns. Access to clean water is perhaps the single most powerful tool for sparking economic growth that humanity has ever known.

You can BE a Waterbearer too with a one time or monthly donation. Every $50 filter delivers clean water to 100 for up to 10 years!)

Every small act we take for clean water creates a ripple of Good.

Beacon Impact Circles

Giving Circles turn small donations into a BIG deal!

A Beacon Impact Circle is a collaborative giving circle designed to shine light on the everyday miracle workers of our world (us), while at the same time generating funding for the work we are doing.

Contact Me if you’d like to know how to participate in a giving circle.

Impact Club

IMPACTClubs® are a powerful way to create change in your local community.

Since their inception in 2016, ImpactClubs® around the U.S. have donated over $3 million to local charities, and this number is growing!

As Impact Venture Capitalists, we invest in our communities with bigger impact…and we have FUN and make friends in the process.

To find an ImpactClub® near you, or learn how to start one in your area, visit:

The Miracle Manifesto

We Believe in a new earth era, where individuals are thriving as a collaborative force of positive Solution,
in connection to their most natural way of being.

We Believe in the Possibility to live in Unity, with compassion and abundance for all,
as we learn to joyfully and generously FLOW resources for the Good of the whole.

We Believe in the power of everyday people to BE the Miracle …
and we celebrate those who are serving as shining examples of Compassion in Action:
the everyday Miracle Makers.

We invite you to Believe with us as we …
Light the World, One Miracle at a Time.

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