A poem for Julaine
The missing comes in layers…
whispers of you, a glimpse of memory
when I least expect it;
a tender moment
spent wishing you were still here,
wanting your Presence
in a world that needs it more than ever.
The knowing was also in layers…
fragments of you, pieced together
through experiences shared,
moments of time
spent growing a friendship,
revealing a common essence
as we grew our separate lives.
Yet I knew the core of you
from that first moment we met:
your eyes shining with excitement,
mind full of curiosity, ready to explore
whatever was in your path,
heart opening to Love,
deep desire and willingness to learn
how to BE what you were seeking.
Now you know.
And the layers of knowing you
continue to peel back, begin to merge
into a new landscape of loving
as I see the whole of you,
honor the Soul of you,
fondly embrace the heart of you
which is evident in all you left behind.
Perhaps this is the ultimate Gift to life:
the Love we planted keeps growing
…even after we’re gone.