Path to Love, Lynda Davis
When the horror of the world
threatens to steal your joy,
There is a choice.
Get caught in the terror
of news flashing across screens,
as breath is sucked from lungs
as minds are devoured by fear
as hearts shut down in despair.
Or don’t.
You are still aware.
You still have compassion.
You will do what you can, when it’s time.
But for now, Love…only this:
Simplify. Empty. Call in the Light.
Then watch the earth still turn
as all the colors of awe
fall around you.
Get on your knees for this,
and for the other too…the sadness
that drinks joy away.
Now stand again. Step into another
Field, where there is no room for terror.
This is where you belong.

Now move, gently, from this place.
Choose a different path,
the one calling from your Soul.
And, remember this,
as the colors of life change around you,
moving from light to dark, and back again.
Every day is new.
Every day you must choose again.
This is how you the world teaches you to Love.
Thank you ?Oh so true and so soothing to read Shining Sora ?
we need to keep remembering, yes Ann Marie? thank you for your comment