It can be overwhelming and confusing to find joy and passion in the midst of so much world trauma, but our light is needed now more than ever. So how do we keep shining when there are so many difficult energies swirling around our virtual and physical spaces?

We focus on the essential.

Not just the basics of making sure we are safe, nourished, and healthy. With so many different perspectives on what it means to be protected, finding what works can certainly take time and energy. So, yes, it’s important to focus on those essentials.

But what about the essential spark that has been simmering inside your breaking-open heart?

When the world starts breaking-apart, what we consider essential often begins to change. Which can be good, especially if we were focusing on the wrong things before the breaking started to happen.

So if you’ve lost your spark of inspiration or passion, consider that this might be a perfect time to go on a journey into the heart of what matters, starting with this excerpt from Simply Enough: Create Space for What Matters


What is Essential?

The dictionary uses some of the same words to define enough and essential. The words are similar, but the meaning of essential goes deeper.

Enough denotes a sense of adequacy. Essential goes to the heart of what is truly important.

To get to the essence requires us to peel away the surface wants, to feel into what is calling us to do more than just exist. The essence is what the Soul needs in order to truly live.

What is most essential to you?

If you are a musician, it may be your instrument. If you are an artist, it will be your paints or clay or whatever canvas you can find. If you are a natural-born teacher, you will always need your students. If you are a humanitarian, your life will not be complete unless you are finding a way to serve a greater cause. Maybe your cause is your family, and serving them is more important than anything else you could do.

At the essence of every one of us, there is a spark of something great.
When you find yours, do not hold back.

Think beyond the basics into the heart of your joy.
You can have whatever your heart desires.
Just get rid of the rest.


And now I invite you to take a 3-minute Sip of Simplicity, as you consider … What IS Enough?

~video by Daniel Franks, with poetry by Sora, photo-art by Daniel Franks, music by Paul Baker

Have you been feeling alone in your search for a more simple life?

The Simply Enough MasterFLOW Circle is HERE.

More than a book study group, this is an opportunity to go on a learning journey within an intimate circle of women. You will receive mentoring for your personal journey to a more simple life while experiencing the power of the collective to support your letting go process.

Contact me to start the conversation.

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