Stillness is Here, in the Center of it All
How does it feel
to be a leaf on the winds of change
swirling playfully
as you are danced along your way?
What is it like
inside the eye of the storm
as chaos reigns
surrounding you in life’s flurry?
The bees are busy pollinating…
scents of new life
are erupting all around.
This is the Way of springtime.
Sit still inside the whirl as you
listen for the direction
your Soul is calling.
Then allow the currents
to move you gently
(or toss you in one big gust) down the path of your awakening.
Trust this: you are exactly where you are meant to be.
Now breathe in gratitude, and breathe out a great gust of JOY.
There is no place to go, nothing to do.
Stay simple. Allow peace to find you.
BE the “I” in your own storm of daily living.