I was caught in a whirlwind of the outer world last week, unable to hear anything above the noise of my own mind & the swirl of activity around me. I kept being guided to “Sit and Do Nothing” which I resisted for awhile because it seemed there was so much that needed to be done. When I finally listened, this came through.

13240699_1227695557242616_120173214499176809_nWhen the chaos is stealing your joy, creeping in to overfill your days with worry and too many things to do…

Just sit there.

When you are feeling like every turn is taking you in circles and you are starting to spin from the whirlpool craziness of it all …

Just sit there.

When you begin to wonder what all the hustle & bustle is about, when you begin to question whether you are adding any value with your flurry of doings …

Just. Sit. Here.

Now we are with you, surrounding you with peace. Let it overflow.
The chaos is necessary. It is breaking things apart.

But the glue of life is in the Stillness,
the silent pause that reminds us of the essential.
This is where the Real begins.

Dhamma_man_croppedSo listen deeply. Care for what you are receiving here.
It’s more than you might think.

Nourishment. Subtle Wisdom. Simplicity.

Life doesn’t need to be complicated to be wise.
The real intelligence comes through in simple whispers.

Allow them to guide you, merrily down life’s stream.
Breathe in this new moment. Let a spacious smile widen your cells.

Happiness is in the drop of dew, the splash of sunlight
against an immense backdrop of ocean sky.

Shimmering waves of Love are yours.
Today. Right now.

All you must do is turn the channel to God.

And Sit Here.
Sit within the prayer of your becoming.

As you allow Spirit to dance you through life
…every moment is a miracle.

(Thank you for listening with me. What is whispering to you?)

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