I’ve been a bit silent on the corona conversation, watching and integrating, sifting through facts and opinions, sharing some of the more meaningful perspectives while I continue to cultivate what I want to say. Honestly, it seems like most everything has been said, and over-said, then distorted so you have to be very careful what you pay attention to.
Which is why I finally feel compelled to say a few things, because there is SO MUCH CLUTTER in the mental airwaves right now.
Yes, we need to know the facts, pay attention to the reality of this complicated twist of life. Yes, we must be prepared and take care of our personal needs while being responsible citizens. But let us do it all with compassion, caring, calm and cooperation. We are here together. Fear and stress are both real, and we all have different ways of dealing with (and being impacted by) what’s going on.
The energy we carry during times of crisis shows how clear of mental & emotional clutter we actually are. We all still have some. This is life. It’s full of stimulating opportunities to find where we are still walking in fear rather than faith, where we are tipping toward greed rather than generosity, where we may feel not-enoughness of any kind. A global pandemic is a definite opportunity.
So when fear comes up, find where you are holding on to some belief that you don’t have enough, whether that’s something physical or even just the patience to get through this crisis with all your love and sanity still intact. Pay attention to what is right in front of you that you can do something about, and do it with all the love you have.
Fear has a way of isolating and immobilizing, separating and fragmenting.
Love moves into action and sees to the Real work of the world.
Since it’s my super-power to make the complex more simple, I’ve come up with 3 simple things you can do as an antidote to this virus. No, not the physical virus…the FEAR virus that is rippling around the world. You know what you need to do for the other one. (Wash. Social Distance. Wait.)

A playful meeting.
3 Simple (not easy) Antidotes for Fear:
♡ Meet-Play-BE Love ♡
MEET. Get the facts. Pause. Embrace the fear with compassion, then let it go. Keep things in perspective by finding the golden lining in everything.
PLAY. Engage. Participate. Shift from seriosity to curiosity. Ask questions. Move your body. Spend time in nature. (Play doesn’t have to disconnect us from reality. It is really about reconnecting with life joyfully and with passion.)
BE LOVE. Breathe deeply into your heart, then go do what you can do, with what you have, where you are. First for yourself & family. Then for your neighbors & community. If you have anything left, reach out to be a bridge of love & compassion for the world. ♡
That’s it. Simple, but not always easy. (Keep repeating the mantra, BE LOVE, and the rest will fall into place.)
The final remedy is finding ways to be a Solution by Loving even Louder. Our love is needed more than ever. Shine it out, in whatever ways you are called. Let Love move you to give in simple, creative, refreshing ways. Speak up for what you believe in with compassion and caring.
It takes all perspectives to make a world. Let us join together, with BIG LOVE, to take care of some of the BIG NEEDS that still exist in ours.
P.S. Please reach out if you need a virtual hug or hand up, or even if you want to share your gratitude for what you still have. Sharing keeps things moving, and is one of the best ways to keep our inner spaces clutter free.
Meet-Play-BE Love was also my ANTIDOTE for DEPRESSION last month, and it definitely helped clear some emotional clutter so I can be fully present with BIG LOVE for this current world-challenge. #ShiningAgain
P.P.S. My BIG LOVE shout out. I am consistently shining light on the lack of clean water around the world as one of my passion projects…because getting clean water to people who don’t have it matters to me. March 22 is World Water Day, and there are still many communities around the world who lack this basic human necessity. The Waterbearers are changing that, one community at a time. Please join my ripple of giving this year @ Shine4CleanWater Every drop counts!