Wear Your Heart Wide Open

Wear Your Heart Wide Open

Wear your heart like it wears you – the way the forest wears the wind as it unleashes its spirit to the sky. -Yoram Weis This quote caught my eye as I was preparing to write my monthly message, which I’m posting after Valentine’s Day … because who needs a...
Sacred Moments

Sacred Moments

Snowflakes falling, white on white.Twinkling lights, brightening the night. Fires burning to keep us warm.Hearts opening, friends linking arms. The space between notes, a silent sigh.Smiles between neighbors, stars up high. A memory of childhood, a cherished...
Love is Calling

Love is Calling

What do we do when the world is on fire? I imagine you, like me, are feeling the heartbreak of recent world disasters: fires, floods, extreme heat…the many many misfortunes that have upended people’s lives around the globe this year. The Maui fires were especially...
Let Love Bloom

Let Love Bloom

Springtime is blossoming in my yard, and my moods have been as volatile as the weather. It’s difficult not to be moved to sadness, anger, despair by all that’s going on in the world. So perhaps this passage from my Simply Enough book bears repeating, as a...
The Words we Don’t Say

The Words we Don’t Say

When you start to crack open, don’t waste a moment gathering your Old Self up into something like you knew before. Let your New Self S P L A S H like S u n l i g h t into every dark place & laugh & cry & make sounds you never made & thank all...

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