There is a treasure in you…a deep quiet that surrounds
all the shiny objects stored in the crevices of your life.

Here, in this still center is where the adventure begins
…revealing the diamond that is the essence of You.

Open your heart wide in wonder, seek beneath the surface
to find what you didn’t even know you were looking for.

Let simplicity be your guide when the clutter of the world
begins to crowd your true identity and dampen your joy.

Let go of everything for one spacious moment
as you connect to the core of what you most love.

Now let even that go.
When it comes back, you’ll know it’s Real.

Excerpted from Simply Enough, Create Space for What Matters

What do you most love?

It likely has nothing to do with the shiny objects that are stored in your physical spaces. Or even the less shiny, but still essential, objects that you hold onto, either because you use them or might need them some day.

When we are faced with a life-changing event such as the one that’s happening in the world right now, what we love takes on new meaning.

Even when we are not facing a pandemic, most of us will name similar things when we are asked to connect with the core of what we most love. People. Pets. Parts of life that belong in our hearts, no matter what other belongings we might be holding onto.

When you need to remember the treasure you are holding, no matter what is going on in the outer world, take a sip of simplicity and tune into the essential.

It will always be here, right in the center of you. Your diamond essence.

Reveal it now.

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